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I must admit, I feel rather shameful that it has taken this long to write up Tony’s getting to know us blog. In 2016 I will get better at blogging more consistently, ‘Better Blogger’ is surely an appropriate new years resolution.

So without further delay, please meet Tony; affectionately known as Red to a lot of people. Most of you know him well, he has been at Morgan Printing for over 21 years, he has grown up in the four walls of our factory and he has spent those years learning from the very best and becoming the very best. He is a talented guy with a jovial nature, a deep love of his craft and the ability to turn the most organised space into a complete mess.


Getting To Know Tony

Three words to describe yourself?

Joker, passionate and loyal.

What motivates you to work hard?

My family for sure, my wife and my daughter are the driving force behind everything I do.

It is really important for me to continue the legacy that my godparents created, I love that I am adding to the history of this company.

Proudest accomplishment?

Hannah is my number one, beautiful like her Mum and absolutely bonkers like me.

I started in the business as a 17 year old driving a delivery car, I have had many roles, none as rewarding as owning the business. I have learnt printing back to front, I am pretty proud of that.

Goals for 2016?

Play more golf, continue to grow the business and learn new things about running the business.

What interests do you have away from Morgan Printing?

Drinking red wine whilst colouring in (did I just admit that?); singing and playing guitar.

What song would you sing at Karaoke?

Ahh where do I start… I’ll take requests after Cold Chisel – When the War is Over.