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Well I know that you probably don’t want to hear this, but its 6 weeks till Christmas. Yes, 6 weeks. If you haven’t already noticed that department stores and supermarkets have the usual Christmas marketing appearing then you probably haven’t been paying much attention. Or you’ve had your eyes closed. Either way, it will be here before we know it.

And with the impending date of December 25 comes the time to decide what to do about Christmas cards. Whether for corporate, for the family, the neighbours or the family that run the local corner shop, there’s still something special about getting a card at this time of the year. And with receiving goes giving. We thought we’d put together a short list of a few designs we’ve seen that might give you some inspiration this year to do something totally different.

(WARNING: some of these examples may require you to act sooner than the week before Christmas.)


image credit Pinterest

Infographic Family Card

Infographics are a visual representation of information and data. Infographics have become hugely popular in recent times, mainly due to their ability to portray complex information in a simple way.  This example of a family infographic is fun, clever and nothing from your traditional Christmas card.



tan typeograhy

image credit Etsy



Designers have become masters of typography and have a wonderful ability to portray a feeling with clever usage of fonts and type that “fit the moment”. This example is a simple yet effective one combining traditional design elements with modern script fonts.



QR code

image credit Etsy

QR Code Card

A card for the techies out there! The beauty of a QR code is you can create it to embed a message such as Merry Christmas, but you can also direct the receiver to your website, Facebook page, or link to a voucher for your business.




image credit The Schultzes

Photo collage Card – Instagram Theme

The premise behind this card is simple, it’s made up of photos taken throughout the year laid out to make something special, ben somewhat of a keepsake. With so many of us using Instagram to share our special moments gathering images to create this unique card should be easy. The addition of hashtags is not only smart but can be rather funny. #crocsarenotok


Santa Hates You

image credit Pinterest

Fold Out Message

Ok so this one is rather cheeky, but who doesn’t like cheeky?! With a simple concertina fold this seemingly “scrooge-like” Christmas message unfolds into a surprise message for the reader. With a bit of imagination (and a dictionary!) the possibilities could be endless. Please note that Santa loves everyone.


These are just a couple of examples of thinking outside the box for your Christmas cards this year. Of course simple can also be just as effective and still gives the receiver the message that you’re thinking of them at this time of the year.


If you do have an idea for a Christmas card that you’d like to print get in contact and have a chat to us about it and we’ll work with you to make that idea come to life! Of course if you’re happy to print your message or company details inside one of our many options of Charity Christmas cards we can do that too.


Just remember… it’s only 6 weeks away!